Houthoff Buruma The Game

Houthoff Buruma The Game

Houthoff Buruma
Ranj Serious Games

Winnaar 2010


A law firm like Houthoff Buruma is in constant competition to recruit law students that are talented beyond mere legal skills. There are but a few such legal students graduating each year. There is an increasing gap between university life and what working at a top-tier law firm is really like. A lawyer working for Houthoff Buruma has to be creative, solution-driven, immune to stress, worldly-wise and have excellent people skills. At the same time the limit has been reached of what you can communicate with traditional printed media. This is especially true in the world of students. A serious game is an ideal tool to find the desired capacities in potential recruits, and in return providing a firsthand experience of a day at Houthoff Buruma.


All ambitious and talented Dutch legal students at the end of their studies.


The Game is an advanced, innovative, interactive multimedia serious game. Great efforts have been made to make The Game resemble reality. It simulates a fictive take-over deal of a Dutch family company by a Chinese state owned giant. The players have to come up with solutions for hidden issues under time pressure while being confronted with video chats, text chats, film clips, e-mails, CNN news flashes, web sites and more. Specially created 3D visuals and 7 professional actors playing the various characters bring The Game to life.

Media- en middelenstrategie

The Game can only be played on dedicated computers in the Houthoff Buruma offices. Three trailers have been made that were spread virally via You Tube, and later on a DVD handed out amongst students. The Game premiered at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai where it was chosen to represent 'state-of-the-art' in serious gaming, which created much free publicity in relevant national and international press. Media channels such as Twitter and social media are also used. Within weeks from its release The Game achieved 100% recognition in the target group, where word of mouth is the strongest form of publicity.
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